Sunday, August 16, 2009

School... Again...

I was just thinking of you today! We are doing tryouts this Monday and time trials Tuesday and Wednesday... I could use help on those days for sure. Any time you want to come to the pool you are more then welcome to and maybe next year your school load wont be as hard and you can come back!

I was so happy when I got this response back from my swim coach!! Awesome I get to help out!!! I was really missing swimming and the team and everything. This year I hope will be a good one and I am going to study Spanish like crazy! I really want to do well in that class. AP English will be though too since we have homework almost every night...except for this weekend...hmmm.

Anyway I am glad to be at school well I don't really like school, but I'm slowly starting to again. I'm just glad to see my friends. :)


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