Saturday, July 2, 2011


So I got a scholarship! I get to go to college for free! Isn't that great? I've decided to live at home for a while; so I am going to go to a community college down the road. It will give me time to get my porfolio organized and get me ready for art school. Art school is super expensive, esspeacially where I want to go, so I'll also need to find a job. It is very hard to find one but I have done it before so it can't be too bad...right?

I am really trying to focus on my artwork so that I will be excepted! I am dreaming to go to art school!

My internet buddy, Sinead, the crazy Irish girrrl, will come to live with me for a few months and we'll maybe even do a bit of traveling. I'm really excited for that because she is a great inspiration and a great artist! She might even move to Georgia when I get into art school!

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