Saturday, July 2, 2011


So I got a scholarship! I get to go to college for free! Isn't that great? I've decided to live at home for a while; so I am going to go to a community college down the road. It will give me time to get my porfolio organized and get me ready for art school. Art school is super expensive, esspeacially where I want to go, so I'll also need to find a job. It is very hard to find one but I have done it before so it can't be too bad...right?

I am really trying to focus on my artwork so that I will be excepted! I am dreaming to go to art school!

My internet buddy, Sinead, the crazy Irish girrrl, will come to live with me for a few months and we'll maybe even do a bit of traveling. I'm really excited for that because she is a great inspiration and a great artist! She might even move to Georgia when I get into art school!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Modestly, truly, I am sorry, if, in fact, anyone does read this...

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Break

Hello dear friend; you have been missed.

My search on my path of life continues as I trek through my senior year in high school. I have taken my ACT twice so far, with no luck for getting into a prestigious school. So, I have decided to wait. Not because my father wants me to go to community college, because I do. Because, after all, it is my choice.

I always told myself if I went to to community college then I would live with my mom. Not because I would have to depend on my mom, no, but because I love her. Her and I are like best friends. I get along better with my mom then any of my friends do. Plus I guess there is the fact that she helps me with most things in my life. So maybe I would be depending on her...?

I don't think I am ready to leave home yet, or at least not all the way. I will be happy to run far away from my father. But not too far, I need him to pay for his, oh so precious, "cheaper" college plan. After that I'd like to be rid of him.

Going to community college will help open my path, I hope. I have been thinking a lot lately about my future career and it has been pulling at me. I know that for sure I want to do something in the field of art; I just don't know what.

Wish me luck! <3

Friday, July 23, 2010

Randomness About Drawing, Imagination, and Stick Figures

After reading this over I have no idea what I was getting at. Then why did I pick this entry?


One of my favorite things to do is draw. Drawings can make your mind grow, but your mind can also make your drawing grow. People can use thier imaginations in different ways. Mine? I use it for drawing. Imagination may show us what we want to see in our drawings, but our minds are the ones that help sculpt that image. There are so many different people in the world and so many different expressions that they can make. Stick figures may be boring after a while, always seeing the same blank face. At least a stick figure with a face has some kind of personality. Right?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Responsibility and the Future

Again my writting in this is sloppy. I did change it a little, but only a little. Most of what I am trying to say is pretty strait forward. Again, could be written better, but we only had ten minutes.

I think the topic was somewhere along the lines of being responsible (well duh). I don't feel that I need to add anymore input at this point.


For the most part, adults have to be responsible. When we grow up and get jobs, or set examples mature for the people around them, that will determine if we are responsible. Adults don't have to do these things; but if they don't then how are they acting responsible. Adults should set examples for the ones who are young, why else would the young be here? They also need to be here to work for to supply the future. The future depends on what people are doing today. Today people work towards what they would like to become. What a person does for a living effects what people see in them, and in the future. What matters is hoe they are going to help feed the future. By working we are supporting ourselves as well as the people around us. If you can't live from the the world around you then how are you to survive on your own?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Purpose

The title of my blog is Searching... and I wanted to tell you all what that means, Moreover, what the whole blog is about.

At this point in my life I don't know what I'm headed for. I don't know who I'll be or what I'll do. I don't know what I want. I don't feel like I know much of anything. Life is a journey. It is a path that may lead me into different directions, and take me to where I need to be.

I feel as though I have been put on this earth for a purpose. A purpose that deals with my destiny. Now you might ask, "Isn't your purpose the same as your destiny?" I say, no, it is not. I believe that they are similar, yes, but the same, no. My purpose right now is to find my destiny. To help find it, I have brought you along for the ride.

After I had started this blog, I realized what I needed to do to keep my life in check. I needed to write. Write things down so I wouldn't forget. Forget what I no longer want to know. Know what I what to be. And be myself. What I need now is is to learn. I need to learn about the world around me and how to be myself in it. I need to figure out what I need and change myself, in order to be better and smarter.

I have this burning passion inside myself, but I do not know what it truly wants.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Of all the wrotten luck. Keep in mind, I wrote this a year ago on the first day of school. My writting was rusty. Half of this stuff is true, although I tend to be a lazy stubborn person. I did get my permit, just a month later. This is my dad's fault. I am about to get my licence. Yes, it took that long. I also found a few colleges that I am interested in. However, I don't know if I can get into them. I took my ACT and only received a 19. Oh joy, I need a twenty. Volunteering was a waste. I volunteered at an animal shelter and relized something. I don't like dogs. I don't want to be a Vet anymore. Great. As for the summer job, good luck to anyone looking for a job in this economy.


One short term goal to acheive this year would be to get my driver's permit this saturday (even though I should be driving already). Another would be to figure out what college to go to after school. Also, I need to save money and maybe start finding some shcolarships. I would like to pass the SATs and ACTs which will also help me with school. Finding a place to volunteer at would be a good idea since I need more hours for NHS and the place that I applied for was filled. Volunteering would also help me get a job this summer.