Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I have failed yet again!

I got an F on my research paper!! ggrrrr...but never fear I will make it up. I just have to do it over spring break, which is almost over,and before I go on tour next week.

Tour? What is that? Welllll, it's exciting and annoying at the same time, that is what it is. It is for my orchestra class, which I fail at also. I'm stuck in the same orchestra with a bunch of freshmen and sophomores. Curse my failure!! Oh well I am going to California with my friends and that is all that matters.

I am going to love tour!! Especially San Diego!! We are only going to San Diego for like three hours, but I don't care. It is one of my favorite places. Disneyland will be great also! I am going to buy every Alice in Wonderland thing I see! EVERYTHING!!

Yay new obsession for meeeee! At least I have some things to look forward to in my failure of a life. Oh my, now I sound like my mother.

I thank you especially, my one follower, you have brightened my day! :D

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