Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Harley Quinn

Alright so this time I have decided not to even try to think of a topic. I start writing things down and they get all messed up.I'll just go with what my head gives me this time!

For Halloween last year (I guess it could be this year if you are going by school years) I was Harley Quinn. If you don't know already, I am completely obsessed with her. No not in a gay way...but she is pretty hot...anyway...I made the costume and everything. By the way, I wasn't the original Harley either, I was Heath's Harley (as in Heath Ledger's Joker). Do you know how hard it is to be creative? It's really hard. First of all I should have written about this AS I was actually doing the project, but I didn't... classic Natalie.

It was hard to find a pattern for my costume.I am not a fashion design student so going to Hobby Lobby and browzing for costume patterns made this a little simpler.I found the perfect pattern! It was for a fairy costume but hey it looks like a modern clown to me! I looked with my best friend in the whole wide world, Jordan. Me and Jordan know nothing about sewing what so ever. Because of this we might have made a few buying mistakes. Oh well...beginners luck I had bought just enough fabrics. Which reminds me, I have extras.

Now the worst part of all was making the stupid thing. I asked my grandmother because she had experience with a sewing machine, and making my previous Halloween costumes for that matter. The worst thing is, she does not know how to read a pattern. When she finally figured something out, she would sit there for about ten minutes saying' "Oh fooey, that's not right." I reply by saying, "Grandma look," I point to the pattern and the pictures, "see here that's RIGHT. You were right." Or I would roll my eyes, "You're not looking at the right one."

I can stand a few days of torture to get my Harley just right!

Speaking of torture, and the amount of hard work put into this, no one knew who the Hell I was at the Halloween party. I had to explain that I wasn't a juggalo and I was NOT from ICP.

The most torturous of all is when people DO know who Harley is and won't except my changes to her. My Harley is not the original Bruce Timm and Pual Dini Harley!! If every Joker was the same Heath Ledger may not have been dead and I never would have found out who Harley was in the first place. Yes, I know that is a completely different character, but let me explain.

The Joker' character has changed MANY times....why can't Harley? The Joker has different looks...why can't Harley? The Joker has different voices...why can't Harley? If Harley's significant other can be changed then why can't Harley's character? Now this is just one example. Every Batman character has went through some kind of change. I'm just saying that Harley's is hard to change because of her character. We WANT to keep that harlequin, but to match Heath's we can't. Sorry that's the way it works. Harley can be depressed and Harley CAN be evil, I've made it happen. I've made it happen so that Harley can have a positive change and she can still be the same old Harley...but she's MY Harley....NO! SHE'S HEATH'S HARLEY!!!

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