Saturday, March 20, 2010

One Year and More Confidence

It has been a few days over a year now since I have started this blog. I still haven't done much with it. I feel lazy. Oh well, that's me!

I just want to say that I have gone through a lot to make my self esteem how it is today. Issues with my dad, unloyal friends, good friends, family, and most of all myself. I am not perfect, nor will I ever come close to being near perfect. But now I have the confidence to go to school without worrying about what people will think of me.I don't care what people think of me! I don't care if they laugh and point at what I wear. I'll laugh back! HA!

Half of it I have the Internet to thank for. Wow, does that sound odd?! Twitter, YouTube, and this blog of coarse, I love it all! I have no idea why the Internet helps me so much. I think it expands my knowledge. I read a lot and watch a lot. Good thing I don't like porn. Then I would be in trouble. I would loose all my self respect. Not that there is something wrong with you people out there who watch porn, it's just that I would be offended by myself. I'd like to keep my new confidence, thank you!

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